Opinions and columns
If the England fans in Germany get to sing “One Theo Walcott, there’s only one Theo Walcott…!” (to the tune of Guantanamero for the uninitiated) they will apparently be more accurate than they thought. There is only one Theo Walcott according to my daughter who has been trying to track down anyone else with that name for a PR campaign for a certain online address finder. If you know another one then Suzy Carter would like to hear from you!Don't speak out
PR, like journalism is a wonderful job because you can be highly creative. But whereas in PR you are generally being positive and creative, quite often journalists can get very negative, writing acres of rubbish and making highly personal and damaging statements from the high moral standpoint of their office desks - using a vehicle which certainly didn’t get to its height of popularity by their efforts. OK, you can tell I’m cross about something in this week’s papers, but rather than go on about it I’ll just give you the link. Thank you to the Yorkshire Evening Post for working me up into a lather! The few times I’ve met him I’ve found John Thorpe to be an affable and friendly chap, so maybe before I write an outraged letter to the editor I should do my homework. (a) Where does he stand on the BNP himself, ‘cos it seems to be arguing that those who voted for them were somehow in the right? (b) Is it really his view that journalists, like the colleague he castigates, as well as bishops have no right to express opinions? –if so, it’s a view that would sideline his own efforts pretty quickly. To be consistent maybe he should put his pen down now anyway! And much as I hate point scoring, I tried out the wonderful 192.com on him (it finds addresses) and I don’t think he lives closer to a sink hole estate than the bishop he has a go at – someone who spent much of his work as a parish priest on housing estates in Sheffield, and now spend much of his time on the ground in many deprived areas listening to the genuine concerns etc etc.. well you can see the gist of my letter to the Editor if I write it!
Da Vinci again?
Sorry, went off on one there.. I’ll try not to do it again. On a lighter note, having thought my musings on the Da Vinci code would be the last word on the subject, it seems some people just will not let it lie! Oh no, bishops calling for people to boycott something again! This time our RC cousins, much more used to the concept – cf abortion, euthanasia, condoms (but strangely not Hitler –maybe they read the YEP too- sorry - cheap shot). Anyway, they don’t seem concerned by the ‘oxygen of publicity’ argument, huh, like the Da Vinci code needs more publicity, yeh right. I don’t care –I’ll be there on opening day anyway, though with the big build up, I suspect we might be in for a bit of a let down.
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